My Sponsor or Family was Covered by TRICARE Reserve Select on the Day of the Sponsor's Death

You can get TRICARE Reserve Select coverage for up to six months.

If You Already Have TRICARE Reserve Select

  • Your family member coverage automatically changes to survivor coverage.
  • You'll get a letter from the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) telling you about the change.
  • Your coverage begins on the day after your sponsor's death.

If You Don't Already Have TRICARE Reserve Select

If only your sponsor had TRICARE Reserve Select when he or she died:

  • You can purchase TRICARE Reserve Select within 90 days of your sponsor's death.
  • You'll get a letter from the DMDC telling you about the option to purchase survivor coverage.
  • Your coverage begins on the day after your sponsor's death.

You have 90 days after your sponsor's death to send your application. It must be postmarked or received by the end of the 90 days. The Federal Employees Health Benefit (FEHB) Program doesn't affect your survivor coverage

Loss of Coverage

After six months, you lose TRICARE Reserve Select coverage. You need to keep minimum essential coverageBasic health care coverage that meets the Affordable Care Act requirement. under the Affordable Care Act. You can:

Dental Plans

You're eligible for the TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) Survivor Benefit Plan. If you enroll, the government will pay 100 percent of your monthly premium.

  • If you already have the TDP, you'll get moved to the TDP Survivor Benefit Plan.
  • If you don't already have the TDP, you can enroll.
    • Surviving spouses can enroll during the three years following the sponsor's death.
    • Children can enroll until they lose eligibilty for TRICARE (i.e. age, marriage, etc.)

Last Updated 8/24/2018