TRICARE East families can find details about the Autism Care Demonstration. You can find useful resources and the parent toolkit. The toolkit helps answer common questions, explains how to enroll in the ACD and what to expect.
ACD and Covered Services
The ACD provides ABA services for qualifying active duty family members, retirees, and certain National Guard and Reserve members. ABA services are only covered under the ACD.
The ACD oversees ABA services for eligible beneficiaries diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. ABA services are based on your child and their needs.
TRICARE also covers other medical services for managing and treating ASD, such as:
Occupational, physical, and speech therapy
Psychological testing and counseling
Respite care
Obtaining ABA services under the ACD will require different steps than medical TRICARE benefits. When there are differences between the ACD and TRICARE medical benefits, TRICARE East will follow the steps of the ACD.
Last Updated 12/2/2024