Transitional Assistance Management Program
The Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) provides 180 days of health care benefits after regular TRICARE benefits end. These benefits help with your transition. You also don’t have to pay any premiums for TAMP.
TAMP may cover you and your eligible family members if you are:
- Involuntarily separatingSeparating from the military means that you leave the service before you retire. from active duty under honorable conditions, including:
- Members receiving a voluntary separation incentive (VSI), or
- Members receiving a voluntary separation pay (VSP) and can’t receive retired or retainer pay upon separation.
- A National Guard or Reserve member separating from a period of more than 30 consecutive days of active duty served for:
- A preplanned mission.
- Support of a contingency operation.
- National Guard members separating from a period of more than 30 consecutive days of active duty under 502(f) Title 32 orders, served in support of a national disaster declared by the President or the Secretary of Defense.
- Separating from active duty following involuntary retention (stop-loss) in support of a contingency operation
- Separating from active duty following a voluntary agreement to stay on active duty for less than one year in support of a contingency operation
- Receiving a sole survivorship discharge
- Separating from regular active duty service and agree to become a member of the Selected Reserve of a Reserve Component. The Service member must become a Selected Reservist the day immediately following release from regular active duty service to qualify.
The Services determine your TAMP eligibility and document eligibility in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System(DEERS) A database of information on uniformed services members (sponsors), U.S.-sponsored foreign military, DoD and uniformed services civilians, other personnel as directed by the DoD, and their family members. You need to register in DEERS to get TRICARE. (DEERS). TAMP eligibility can be viewed online via milConnect. Service personnel departments will provide information or assistance with your TAMP eligibility.
For those who qualify, the 180-day TAMP period begins upon your separation. During TAMP, you and your family members are eligible to use one of the following health plan options in addition to military hospitals and clinics:
- Military hospitals and clinics
- TRICARE Prime (where locally available)
- TRICARE Select
- US Family Health Plan (if you live in a designated location)
- TRICARE Prime Overseas
- TRICARE Select Overseas
Other active duty programs such as the Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) are also available during the TAMP period.
Does your child have TRICARE coverage through TAMP? If so, they will lose their TRICARE coverage after the 180-day TAMP period ends.
Coverage During Terminal Leave
You aren’t eligible for TAMP while on terminal leave. During terminal leave, you continue to get active duty benefits and your family members stay covered under TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Prime Remote, or TRICARE Select.
Line of Duty Care
If you believe you have experienced or worsened an injury, illness, or disease while on active duty, quickly contact your unit or Service branch for information or assistance with medical or dental care.
Are you eligible for TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS)?
- TRS coverage begins after the TAMP period. If you qualify to purchase TRS, contact your service personnel for more information.
Last Updated 1/23/2025