In general, TRICARE excludes services and supplies that aren’t medically or psychologically necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of a covered illness (including mental disorder), injury, or for the diagnosis and treatment of pregnancy or well-child care.
Additionally, all services and supplies (including inpatient institutional costs) related to a non-covered condition or treatment, or provided by an unauthorized provider, are excluded.
The following specific services are excluded under any circumstance. This list of exclusions isn’t all inclusive.
- Acupuncture
- Alterations to Living Space
- Alternative Treatments
- Assisted Living Facility Care
- Augmentation Mammoplasty
- Autopsy Services
- Aversion Therapy
- Camps
- Charges for Missed Appointments
- Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP)
- Cosmetic Drugs
- Domiciliary Care
- Dry Needling
- Dynamic Posturography
- Dyslexia Treatment
- Elective Psychotherapy and Mind Expansion Psychotherapy
- Elective Services or Supplies
- Elevators or Chair Lifts
- Exercise Equipment
- Exercise Programs
- Experimental Procedures
- Fluoride Preparations
- Gym Membership
- Homeopathic and Herbal Drugs
- Hospitalization for Medical or Surgical Error
- LASIK Surgery
- Learning Disorders
- Long Term Care
- Massage
- Medical Care from a Family Member
- Mental Health Exclusions
- Multivitamins and Megavitamins
- Mycotoxin Testing or Toxic Mold Testing
- Naturopathic Care
- Neurofeedback
- Nursing Homes
- Orthoptics
- Paternity Test
- Personal Items
- Postpartum Stay without a Medical Reason
- Private Hospital Rooms
- Psychiatric Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction
- Psychogenic Surgery
- Retirement Homes
- Safety Medical Supplies
- Sensory Integration Therapy
- Sexual Dysfunction or Inadequacy Treatment
- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
- Therapeutic Absences from Inpatient Facility
- Uncovered Services and Supplies
- Unneccessary Diagnostic Tests
- Unnecessary Inpatient Stays
- Unproven Procedures
- Vision Therapy
- Vitamin D Screening
This list of covered services is not all inclusive. TRICARE covers services that are medically necessaryTo be medically necessary means it is appropriate, reasonable, and adequate for your condition. and considered proven. There are special rules or limits on certain services, and some services are excluded.
Last Updated 9/17/2024
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