Obesity is a very common term. But what does it mean? Obesity is when you have too much body mass which presents a risk to your health. Obesity can also increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.
What are the Risk Factors?
Know the risk factors for obesity. They include:
- Lack of activity
- Unhealthy food choices
- Lack of sleep
- Long-term stress
- Family history/genetics
What are Some Common Symptoms?
- Breathlessness
- Increased sweating
- Snoring
- Difficulty doing physical activity
- Often feeling very tired
- Joint and back pain
- Low confidence and self-esteem
- Feeling isolated
How Can I Get Tested for Obesity?
Your provider may collect your medical history to test for obesity. This will include a review of symptoms and risk factors. They may also perform an obesity screening. You may also get tested via waist/skinfold measurements and a BMI reading.
How Can I Manage My Obesity?
If you are diagnosed with being overweight or obese, you and your health care provider will work together to develop a treatment plan. Your provider will likely create a plan to reduce your daily calories. They will also provide ideas to be more physically active, and ways to adopt lifelong healthy lifestyle changes.
You should get services such as obesity screenings, counseling, medications, and weight-loss programs reviewed to determine TRICARE benefits and coverage.
What does TRICARE cover?
We cover services that are medically necessaryTo be medically necessary means it is appropriate, reasonable, and adequate for your condition., including tests, treatment, and more for eligible beneficiaries.
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)
Choosing a Safe and Successful Weight-Loss Program
Daily Food and Activity Diary – printable form
Healthy Weight, Nutrition, and Physical Activity
MOVE! Coach – Mobile Phone Weight Management App for Veterans
Physical Activity Diary – printable form
Sample Menus to Eat Right and Lose Weight
Total Force Fitness – Health.mil
There is care and support for qualifying beneficiaries who want to improve their weight management. Our experienced staff will guide you to a healthier lifestyle to improve your self-management and quality of life. For questions or to enroll, call toll-free at 800-881-9227.
Last Updated 11/21/2024