Hearing Aids
Active Duty Service Members and Family
TRICARE only covers hearing aids and hearing aid services if you have hearing loss that meets specific hearing criteriaAdults with: Hearing threshold of at least 40 dB HL in one or both ears when tested at 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 3,000, or 4,000Hz; or hearing threshold of at least 26 dB HL in one or both ears at any three or more of those frequencies; or speech recognition score less than 94%. Children with: hearing threshold level of at least 26dB HL in one or both ears when tested at 500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, or 4,000Hz.
Retired Service Members and Family
TRICARE doesn’t cover hearing aids and hearing aid services. However, you may be able to obtain hearing aids through other government programs. This includes:
- The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) >>Learn More
- The Retiree-At-Cost Hearing Aid Program (RACHAP)
You may be able to buy hearing aids for a reduced cost at certain military hospitals and clinics. To qualify, you must be eligible for care at a military hospital or clinic.
The military hospital or clinic provides the fitting and follow-up services. Participation in RACHAP may depend on:
- Space
- Equipment
- Provider availability
- Personnel readiness
Contact the military hospital or clinic to check availability.
This list of covered services is not all inclusive. TRICARE covers services that are medically necessaryTo be medically necessary means it is appropriate, reasonable, and adequate for your condition. and considered proven. There are special rules or limits on certain services, and some services are excluded.
Last Updated 3/20/2022