Shoes, Shoe Inserts, Shoe Modifications and Arch Supports

TRICARE covers orthotic devices to protect, support, or improve use of body parts that move. 

TRICARE covers orthotic braces including shoes, inserts, and heel/sole replacements when: 

  • The shoe is necessary to the brace, 
  •  Its cost is included with the brace, and 
  •  Neither the shoe nor the brace is usable separately. 
  • Arch supports and shoe inserts designed to change the foot’s shape or alignment. 
  • Orthopedic shoes, unless one or both shoes are necessary to a covered brace. 
  • Over-the-counter custom made or built-up shoes or other supportive devices of the feet, except where otherwise covered.  This includes: 
    • Wedges 
    • Specialized fillers 
    • Heel straps 
    • Pads 
    • Shanks
  • Cranial orthosis and cranial molding helmets for: 
    • Flat spots on your baby’s head from your baby lying on its back too frequently 
    • Sole treatment for craniosynostosis, a condition where joints in your baby’s skull fuse together before they should

This list of covered services is not all inclusive. TRICARE covers services that are medically necessaryTo be medically necessary means it is appropriate, reasonable, and adequate for your condition. and considered proven. There are special rules or limits on certain services, and some services are excluded.

Last Updated 3/20/2022