In the U.S. and U.S. Territories

You can book an appointment with any TRICARE-authorized provider, but finding a Medicare participating provider is your best option. You’ll need your Medicare card and Uniformed Services ID card when you go to your appointment.

After your appointment:

  • Your provider files the claim with Medicare.
  • Medicare pays the provider and sends the remaining amount electronically to TRICARE.
  • TRICARE pays the remaining amount to the provider. You pay nothing out-of-pocket.
  • You receive an explanation of benefits from Medicare and TRICARE.

All Other Overseas Areas

Looking to book an appointment online at a military hospital or clinic? Visit the Secure Patient Portal for more information.

Want to order a hard copy of the TRICARE For Life Handbook? Call Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS) at 1-866-773-0404.

Last Updated 11/21/2024